Professor Wichman E-mail
Claim: A Michigan professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the country.
Status: True.
You can read the letter Professor Wichman sent to the Muslim Student's Association.
The e-mail was in response to the announced student protest of the Danish cartoons that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.
The group had complained the cartoons were 'hate speech.' As you can imagine, people are lining up on both sides, below is my take.
The Danish cartoons that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist, were offensive, and I have no problem with the Muslim Student's Association decision to protest. They have every right to complain, and Muslims have the right to demand the cartoonist apologize, and the cartoonist should feel free to tell them “Screw You,” this is my belief and in a free society I can express it, if you don’t like it you can draw your own cartoon.”
Professor Wichman is entitled to his opinion. The examples of intolerance and barbaric behavior, he listed are well documented.
Professor Wichman could and should organize a march of his own.
I do have a problem with him attacking a student union. The students might be misguided, and I fully agree that there are far more pressing moral issues in the Islamic world then a pen and ink drawing, but there is no evidence that “THEY” were guilty of any of the horrors he outlined. Teachers should not go after Students. A school should not defend teachers starting fights with students. A school should, and must, defend a teacher right to hold and express his views.
Had Professor Wichman wrote his views in a blog, published an article or posted a video on YouTube, Great! The school should stand by it’s teacher’s right to express himself, as they also defend the students ability to hold their beliefs. Students pay tuition, the sort of pay his salary. I understand and agree with many of his points, but not the way he handled the situation. I respect a teachers opinion against Gay marriage, but I do not approve of a teacher writing a nasty note to the Gay student’s association.
We need a more uniform code of ethics, one that guarantees Muslim Americans the same rights, and at the same time holds them equally accountable. Muslims should be able to build a Masque where ever they want (Basic zoning laws apply). Muslims must be free to practice their faith. If the choose not to eat pork, fine, just as it is fine for a person to open a “Rib-Shack” and serve “Pulled-Pork.” There is talk about “Drawing a Line,” OK, here is where I draw the line. America should give all people the freedom to follow their faith, but we should have zero tolerance for anyone trying to force their faith on to others.