March 16th, 2007
By Larry Lubell
Yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Reported that the combined global land and ocean surface temperature from December through February was at its highest since they began keeping records back in 1880.
Those that believe that global Warming is real will point to this as well as the fact that the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 1995. Not everyone is convinced that A. Global Warming is more than just a standard fluctuation, or B. that even if real that the rise is caused by man.Last week, the UK’s Channel 4 premiered a 75-minute film entitled, “The Great Global Warming Swindle.” Through interviews with prize-winning climate experts and others, this masterful documentary explains the origins of global warming alarmism; debunks claims of man-made global climate change; exposes the motivations of organizations, scientists and activists sounding the alarm; and explains why it’s been extremely difficult, if not downright dangerous, for climate scientists to question global warming orthodoxy publicly.The entire film, which is creating quite a stir among tens of thousands of web viewers, can be viewed online at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4520665474899458831. From Fox Nexs- The world’s climate scientists meeting in Paris on February 2nd reported unequivocally that the Earth’s climate system is increasingly heating up and that it likely has not been this warm for at least 1300 years. The fourth report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that evidence for this includes more than increases in global average air and ocean temperatures.With much stronger language and more assurance than in previous reports, the IPCC members said there was less than 10 percent chance that this global warming was natural — they pinned it directly on human greenhouse gas emissions. The amount of CO2 spewed out per year from fossil fuel burning is 12 percent greater now than in the 1990s, their report indicated, and the amount of the greenhouse effect is the greatest in 10,000 years.
The Earth, and it’s weather are extremely complex systems. Scientists have been working for years with “Super computers” trying to build the most accurate model possible. It is that very complexity that opens the door for conflicting opinions.
Weather and insurance premiums
Global Warming Robert Rosenberg
Posted in Uncategorized, Current events and politics, Stories of Interest
1 comment:
California-Sized Area of Ice Melts in Antarctica
By By LiveScience Staffposted: 15 May 200704:12 pm
Changes in the ice mass of Antarctica, Earth's largest freshwater reservoir, are important to understanding global sea level rise. Large amounts of Antarctic freshwater flowing into the ocean also could affect ocean salinity, currents and global climate
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