Wednesday, January 17, 2007

7. Haliburton Corp received $16.5 Billion in no bid contracts from Iraq war?

Haliburton Corp received $16.5 Billion in no bid contracts from Iraq war?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The raid upon the treasury
Was done, without consent
Of a voting majority
Of citizens, yet went
Ahead with open throttle: we
Yet were not innocent.

Putting in charge of our affairs
A crew of businessmen
(Cheney et al) known, without airs,
To be dishonest, knowing then
Leopards´ spots change not--well, so there´s
Complicity, spelled C-O-N.

One cannot cheat an honest man,
Which is to say a swindle
Requires corruption; so our clan
Would see old freedoms dwindle
To make a buck, so profit can
Unwrap the tightest spindle.

The men in charge, while secretive,
Yet brought biographies
With them to office: how forgive
Yourself for lies as these,
As capital runs out a sieve,
Taxpayers brought to their knees.

So Halliburton-KBN
Brought soldiers filthy water
As bear virulent pathogen,
Or led men into slaughter
Not hired for combat--ne´er again
To see wife, son or daughter.

Throughout the overcharging scams
Nor Congress put a word in,
But followed dutifully like lambs
(Their conscience without burden),
Dithering as in dithyrambs
While all of it deferred in.

So Cheney as was once the boss
At Halliburton (which
Owns KBN) was at no loss
Whom to award with rich
Contracts: so he would lightly toss
To buddies (with a twitch).

It´s fun to drive a Cadillac
Paid by the sap taxpayer
As managers did in Iraq,
The bureaucratic layer
Most valued, always in the black
With government defrayer.

No "love of country" motivates,
Just ask an employee there--
Though propaganda obfuscates:
Still, I´d not want to be there,
Because impiety there.