By Larry Lubell
The plot, or depending on your point of view, the smoke is thickening in the case of the firing of the eight federal prosecutors. Each day there seems to be some development that calls into question the statement made by Gonzales and the White House concerning the prosecutor’s dismissals.
I am reminded by the scene from Casablanca when Claude Reines “ states that “He is shocked, Shocked, to find gambling going on here” as he secretly pockets his gambling chips. Look, both parties play politics. Both are guilty of padding the payrolls with people they believe will be loyal, and or support their views. You would think by this time the politicians would realize that it’s usually the cover-up that does them in, not the original action.
In this case, Alberto Gonzales has great latitude in the hiring and firing of the federal prosecutors under his jurisdiction. Clinton replaced all of them in one fell swoop. The only thing is, once you hire them, you have to respect their independence. The accusation is that the administration did not, and replaced them for not aggressively enough going after democrats.
If it was me, I would feel far more comfortable explaining firing employees based vague terms like “Quality,” “Time-Management” “Administrative temperament,” than trying to explain missing emails, contradictory statements and paper trails.
Two questions come to mind over the White House’s recent statement regarding the emails requested by congress.
How do you loose over 5,000,000 email?
Do you really believe that congress or the American people are stupid enough to believe they got “lost”?
Karl Rove, who seemed “In the clear” in the Valerie Plame case, now finds him self again being called before special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, now for a 4th time before that Grand jury. Rove’s return has created great anxiety among White House officials and the Republican Party that Fitzgerald may be preparing to bring indictments against Rove and other high-ranking administration insiders.
Robert Luskin, Rove's lawyer, when asked why didn't the Rove e-mail surface earlier? said “It's because an electronic search conducted by the White House missed it because the right "search words" weren't used”. (The White House and Fitzgerald both declined to comment.)
It seems clear, at this point, that Gonzales and White House officials are just weaving their own web that will in the end ensnare them; While the spider sits and waits.
Posted in Current events and politics http://www.urbaninsuranceagency.com/ http://urbaninsuranceagency.com/quote.php
1 comment:
White House and Fitzgerald both declined to comment.) It seems clear, at this point, that Gonzales and White House officials are just weaving their own web that will in the end ensnare them; While the spider sits and waits.
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