As an American, I desperately wanted to see a stable, pro U.S. democratic government take hold in Iraq.
There is no disputing that such a government would be a stabilizing force in the region and a catalyst for change. A strong, safe, free Iraq would be an ally in the “War against terror” , as well as foil to Iran.
When President bush first took us into Iraq the justification given was to rid Iraq of “Weapons of Mass Destruction, and free the people from the tyrannical rule of Saddam. When the “Weapons” were not found, The justification changed . Bush explained the “Up-side” of a victory, Assured us that the people of Iraq wanted us to be there and their lives would be much better off then before our arrival.
True enough, Saddam was evil. The people of Iraq lived in mortal fear. His son’s were sadistic monsters, that used tyranny and torture to maintain Iraq as their personal thief Dom I can promised I did not shed a tear at the demise of any of them. While I was thrilled to se that bunch go, unfortunately we learned that there is something worse than Saddam, and that is Anarchy and civil war.
When president Bush and his team try to boost support for the war he warns us of what would happen if we lost- It is with great sorrow and regret that I’ve come to the conclusion that this is precisely were we find ourselves today.
Since the war began we have lost more than 3,515 of our troops, and more than 26,000 of them have been wounded. In addition to the US. Military, more and more of the work in Iraq is being done by “Private Contractors” according to new government numbers from the Labor Department, Casualties among the private contractors in Iraq are on to make 2007 into the bloodiest year yet for the civilians contractors. At least 146 contract workers were killed in Iraq in the first three months of the year, by far the highest number for any quarter since the war began in March 2003.
Over the past year we have seen an effort of Sunni’s to Target Shiite mosques, and in turn, Shiite’s attacking Sunni mosques. This has consistently resulted in further attacks, and an increased circle of violence. The resent bombing of the Golden Mosque in the town of Samarra, left its famous golden dome in ruins and pushed the region further down the road of self destruction. As predicted, soon after two Sunni mosques were bombed south of the capital, police said. One was destroyed and the other lost its minaret.
While president Bush pleaded in a written statement for calm.
"Violence will only contribute to what the terrorists sought to achieve by this act,'' in Washington. "I ask all Iraqis to exercise restraint in the wake of this tragedy."
Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr: said no rival Sunni Arab could have been responsible for the bombing, calling the bombing a "cursed American-Israeli scenario that aims to spread the turmoil and plant the hatred among the Muslim brethren." The only enemy of Iraq is the occupation and therefore everyone must demand its departure or a timetable of its occupation."
Our brave young men and woman are loosing their lives to protect people that in ever increasing numbers do not want us there. This is a war without winners: therefore it is a war that we can not win.
Larry Lubell
There is no disputing that such a government would be a stabilizing force in the region and a catalyst for change. A strong, safe, free Iraq would be an ally in the “War against terror” , as well as foil to Iran.
When President bush first took us into Iraq the justification given was to rid Iraq of “Weapons of Mass Destruction, and free the people from the tyrannical rule of Saddam. When the “Weapons” were not found, The justification changed . Bush explained the “Up-side” of a victory, Assured us that the people of Iraq wanted us to be there and their lives would be much better off then before our arrival.
True enough, Saddam was evil. The people of Iraq lived in mortal fear. His son’s were sadistic monsters, that used tyranny and torture to maintain Iraq as their personal thief Dom I can promised I did not shed a tear at the demise of any of them. While I was thrilled to se that bunch go, unfortunately we learned that there is something worse than Saddam, and that is Anarchy and civil war.
When president Bush and his team try to boost support for the war he warns us of what would happen if we lost- It is with great sorrow and regret that I’ve come to the conclusion that this is precisely were we find ourselves today.
Since the war began we have lost more than 3,515 of our troops, and more than 26,000 of them have been wounded. In addition to the US. Military, more and more of the work in Iraq is being done by “Private Contractors” according to new government numbers from the Labor Department, Casualties among the private contractors in Iraq are on to make 2007 into the bloodiest year yet for the civilians contractors. At least 146 contract workers were killed in Iraq in the first three months of the year, by far the highest number for any quarter since the war began in March 2003.
Over the past year we have seen an effort of Sunni’s to Target Shiite mosques, and in turn, Shiite’s attacking Sunni mosques. This has consistently resulted in further attacks, and an increased circle of violence. The resent bombing of the Golden Mosque in the town of Samarra, left its famous golden dome in ruins and pushed the region further down the road of self destruction. As predicted, soon after two Sunni mosques were bombed south of the capital, police said. One was destroyed and the other lost its minaret.
While president Bush pleaded in a written statement for calm.
"Violence will only contribute to what the terrorists sought to achieve by this act,'' in Washington. "I ask all Iraqis to exercise restraint in the wake of this tragedy."
Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr: said no rival Sunni Arab could have been responsible for the bombing, calling the bombing a "cursed American-Israeli scenario that aims to spread the turmoil and plant the hatred among the Muslim brethren." The only enemy of Iraq is the occupation and therefore everyone must demand its departure or a timetable of its occupation."
Our brave young men and woman are loosing their lives to protect people that in ever increasing numbers do not want us there. This is a war without winners: therefore it is a war that we can not win.
Larry Lubell
Much of the Iraqi capital was without running water Thursday and had been for at least 24 hours, compounding the urban misery in a war zone and the blistering heat at the height of the Baghdad summer.
Posted: 2007-08-02 15:00:23
Bush ally's Kurdish oil deal proves the surge has failed
By Paul Krugman
Article Launched: 09/16/2007 01:49:27 AM PDT
It seems that this gets worse and worse.
The Pentagon is preparing to set up new supply routes for troops in Iraq if Turkey cuts off U.S. access to the strategic Incirlik Air Base, military officials said Tuesday.
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